Thursday, March 02, 2006



Friday: I arrive at O'Hare at noon and plan to wander in wonder for the rest of the day in Chicago!

Saturday: The Art Instute of Chicago! I CANNOT wait to see Seurat's A Sunday on La Grande Jatte. This is the painting inspired Sondheim's Sunday in the Park with George. I am particularly looking forward to spending the day with my wonderful Chicagoan friends Marynell, Kristin and Kari.

Der Rosenkavalier at the Chicago Lyric Opera! Later in the evening, Kristin and I will attend Der Rosenkavalier. I'm looking forward to seeing an opera away from the Met - especially since I'll be with a CLO subscriber and intern! After, we are going back stage to visit Suzy Graham. I wonder who else we'll see backstage?

Sunday: Renee Fleming in recital at Dominican University! I will be with Kristin, Marynell and Kari (and other TBVers?) again for Renee's recital and we will go backstage to visit her.

Monday: Back to New York City!

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