Sunday, August 20, 2006

It's not easy being green...

My friend (some of you know who he is, dammit) just emailed his ticket vault inventory to me. I'm positively GREEN with envy.

9/17: Lucia di Lammermoor (Dessay, Polezani), Opera Bastille, Paris
9/18: Salome, Opera Bastille, Paris
10/2: La Clemenza di Tito (Antonacci), Opera Garnier, Paris
10/15: Les Troyens, Opera Bastille, Paris
10/15: Bryn Terfel, Salle Pleyel, Paris
10/18: Bejun Mehta, Chatelet, Paris
10/20: Soile Isokoski, Salle Pleyel, Paris
11/4: Angela Gheorghiu, Salle Pleyel, Paris
11/24: Andreas Scholl, Barbican, London
12/2: Renee Fleming, Barbican, London
12/8: Ben Heppner, Salle Pleyel, Paris
12/12: Felicity Lott, Chatelet, Paris
12/18: Don Carlo (stunning casting), Met, New York
1/23: Ian Bostridge, Chatelet, Paris
2/17: Jenufa (Mattila, Silja), Met, New York
2/17: Eugene Onegin (Fleming, Hvorostovsky), Met, New York
3/16: Mattias Goerne, Salle Pleyel, Paris
4/4: St. John's Passion (Scholl), Chatelet, Paris
4/5: Barbara Bonney, Chatelet, Paris (CANCELED--will have to see what's what with this)
4/16: Thais (Fleming), Chatelet, Paris
4/19: Thais (Fleming), Chatelet, Paris
that's where it stands now. (i count 21--might have forgotten one--will have to check the tix--i wrote this list off my calendar.) champs-elysees (kiri/flicka, scholl in "cesare," villazon/netrebko, lots of stuff) and a lot of the paris opera haven't gone on sale yet.

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