Friday, January 04, 2008

Cody's 2nd Annual NYC Adventure

I suggested to Cody that we go to Hawaii for next year's winter break. His only response was to look at me like I had completely lost my mind. No doubt about it, this boy loves New York City!


Esther said...

Awwww, that was wonderful! You and Cody really made my day. I hope he comes back every year. I just don't think Cody's adventure in Hawaii would be nearly as fun to watch! And you are the best aunt ever!

karigee said...

Lucky he found the right aunt...

Anonymous said...

So Fun! It looks like you two had a blast. You are such a great Auntie. Happy New Year. Love, Katy

Anonymous said...

What an incredibly wonderful adventure! "Decision '08" - what a hoot.

HughE Dillon said...

Lovely, lovely, thanks for sharing you really captured the moments.