Last night, I saw
The 39 Steps in its first commercial preview at the Cort Theatre. I didn't make it to the off-Broadway run at the American Airlines Theatre. I wasn't planning on going to this one - you know there's just so much to see and sometimes I just have to get picky. But the Cort is practically 39 steps out of the back door of my office building and when I saw that tickets for the first preview were just $39, I just couldn't resist. Besides, I do love Alfred Hitchcock, and this play is based on his
1935 movie of the same title. I haven't actually seen the movie, but some other Hitchcock flicks are among my favorite. I really enjoyed this production. It's slapstick, sidesplitting and absolutely clever. The supporting cast was so busy playing so many parts that I don't know how they had a moment to take a breath and they seemed like they were having just as much fun as the audience.
I'm so glad you enjoyed "The 39 Steps." I saw the play in Boston, on its pre-Broadway tryout, and I thought it was incredibly inventive and hilarious and unlike anything I'd seen before. (I'd watched the movie beforehand, which I think does help). It's just amazing to see what you can do with four actors and a few props. It was one of the most fun experiences of my short theatergoing career.
Plus, it was kind of the impetus for my blog. After I wrote SoB a long e-mail telling him how much I loved it, he told me it was time to start blogging. Of course, he'd told me that many times before, but this time, I listened, and I'm so glad I did! It was the subject of my very first blog post, so "The 39 Steps" will always be near and dear to me. I'd love to see it again, but as you observed, there's so much to see.
I'm SOOOO glad you had such a good time! Many of my sentiments exact!
I was talking to a friend who is going to see it in a couple of weeks and when talking about it as a comic interpretation, I told her, "They're not making fun of it, they're having fun with it - and that makes all the difference in the world."
And I'm even happier now knowing that this play has indirectly led me to know Esther ;)
ohhhh I wanna go back!
Sarah, technically, the American Airlines Theatre is a Broadway house. Glad you enjoyed the show, which I thought was a hoot!
Yes, of course, SOB. What I meant was that it has transferred from non-profit to commercial.
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