Sunday, April 06, 2008

Tell me on a Sunday

I love Sundays. Sometimes they are full of brunch and wandering around, or maybe a matinee. Then there are those Sundays like today. The morning starts with a pot of French press and CBS Sunday Morning and then On Stage. The laundry girl comes. A few household chores get done. There's usually movie to watch or DVR'd shows to get caught up on. Sometimes there's blogging. Of course, there's mandatory listening to cast albums and then delicious nap ensues. Then before I know it, it's time for Murder, She Wrote, back in Primetime where she belongs. And thank goodness the strike finally ended, and Saigon Grill brings a Goi Guon Chay and Curry Ga. Mmmmm. Today, a refreshing bottle of Sam Adams is added just to get in the spirit to watch his cousin John Adams.

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