Coty Perfume will donate the proceeds from the sale of the limited edition bottle of the new Renée Fleming fragrance "La Voce" to the Metropolitan Opera. That's $200 for about 1 oz of foo foo. But, the bottle, inspired by the crystal chandeliers at the Met, comes with all kinds of sparkly bling which you know I can't resist. And no doubt, dab a little on, you'll get some La Diva Renée Spirit! The perfume will be released on September 22nd, which just happens to be Opening Night at the Met, a/k/a the day that La Diva Renée rules the world.
Also see
Now Smell This and Fragrantica.
It kind of looks like a hamburger!
"Opening Night at the Met, a/k/a the day that La Diva Renée rules the world."
Haha so true...I love the way you put that! I plan on enjoying it on the big screen!
Maybe someone in my family will feel extremely generous at Christmas time and get me the perfume?!? I can hope...
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