Manon week is over and I'm feeling that kind of exhaustion that comes from constant fun and being emotionally high through laughter and entertainment. Sadly, Renee said that Saturday may have been the last time she performed Manon because her schedule for the next four years is fairly set. Manon is only 15 years old in Act I and unfortunately by the time Renee is available to sing the role again she will be 51. Despite Renee's incredible acting capabilities, it is hardly likely that she will be called upon to play the ingenue again. So it was indeed satisfying to be there at the Met for the afternoon of perfection. The scenes for "Le Petite Table" or for "St. Sulpice" are by definition pure passion and Renee more than succeeds in delivering it to us in large soul charging dose. The backstage scene was marvelous. TBV took over the green room as if it were our own domain - our own living room. Renee saved us for last and joined us as a friend, indeed we are proud of her as we would be of any friend.

Now I need a vacation from my vacation but no chance of that for a while. Meanwhile, there is scheming going on for
this and of course seeing Bernadette at Avery Fisher Hall on May 1st is right around the corner:
1. Sarah, it's "ingenue" (all of us need a 2nd pair of eyes. I understand)
2. Sarah, your blog brings me down. No more Renee as Manon is sort of like no more Dodgers out in Brooklyn. Oops. Anyway, opera is about artifice and I see no reason why a 51 yo can't play Manon if 50-something can play Salome... 50-somthings who can't dance. Meet you at Renee's Manon at the Met, 2011 (and may God deliver us all safely there)
Sarah, came across this in a spring releases catalog and thought of you:
An ugly link-let me know if it works. The memoirs of Joseph Volpe, the recently retired general manager of the Met.
Sorry about that-try this:
NYCOperaFanatic - I'm there in 2011 - let's have drinks after!
Jenn - Oh yes - Uncle Joe - may he rest in peace...
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