Oooooh my - what a party it was. Friday night, Noah and I attended the first After Party at The Laurie Beechman Theatre on 42nd Street. It was open-mike attended mostly by Broadway actors, miscellaneous characters and wanna-be's (yeah, me). First up was Brandon Cutrell. He describes himself as a "hot mess" and yeah, that sums him up all right. And oh, the boy can SING. He's quite the host with the most too, at one point screaming at Alysha Umphress, entertainer/waitress, that it was time for me to be served another cocktail.
More entertainers should do that. Let me just say that Alysha was fantastic - I can't wait to see her in something full time. Next up was the one and only Shoshana Bean - the girl wails. She did an absolutely terrific "Be a Lion" from
The Wiz, but unfortunately dispelled rumors that she has been cast as Dorothy in the upcoming revival. Oh well. We were also treated to Miss Lauren Molina (Johanna in
Sweeney Todd!) who sang "A Call from the Vatican" from
Nine. SHE BELTS! WOW! She is absolutely charming in the cabaret venue. There were a number of singers (sorry three cosmos keeps me from remembering their names) who just got up and let us have it - ah, their confidence is thrilling. Then, it happened...Jana Robbins who played Mazeppa and was also Tyne Daley's standby in the the 1989 revival of
Gypsy sang "I'm Still Here" from Sondheim's
Follies. Oh damn.
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