Monday, September 04, 2006

Tea and Sympathy

So it was a gorgeous day to hang out in New York City. We started out fine but found ourselves consumed with Sweeney talk. We spent hours among the 18 miles of books at The Strand, perusing mostly theatre books, and then took a chocolate break at Max Brenner's, which lead us to think of Michael Cerveris because apparently Max is a bald man. As if we ever need a reason to be reminded to think of Michael Cerveris. We strolled around the West was that kind of day. But then when we could take it no more, we headed for some Tea and Sympathy, where I had the meat pie made of fop, finest in the shop, and Kristen had the shepherd's pie, which was peppered with actual shepherd on top. Of course, their secret recipe was all to do with herbs, and the gravy was that much grander because they must have used just the right amount of coreander.


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