My heart began to flutter in overdrive when I discovered that Telecharge opened the ticket sale today for Deuce. Turns out that my through thick and thin friend that I've had since I was ten is also my best enabler...she literally charged in and saved the day. Tickets are selling at a fast and furious pace, but I have tickets and tickets and some more tickets to enjoy from the first preview on April 18th until the closing performance on August 19th. Thanks S.I.S.T.E.R.!
I'm coming back for that performance. I love your new picture too. Where was it taken?
I love it!
yay! i'm glad this story had a (very) happy ending!
Hooray Hughe! This picture was taken by dear Khaleem in Paris - if you look closely, you'll see the program on the table is signed by two very special Divas. It was a magical evening!
That's just...Lansburryiffic!
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