Friday, September 10, 2010

The Stephen Sondheim Theatre, New Marquees, Plus a Couple of Load Ins

I moseyed down to Times Square after work today to see the new sign on the Stephen Sondheim Theatre plus a few of the  marquees for the 2010/11 Broadway season.  I gave up on seeing more when I realized that I had lost my brand new monthly metro card.   I said a curse word and proceeded to buy a single ride home, but not before I checked out the view inside the stage door of the Jacobs.  I'm starting to feel excited about seeing a few new Broadway shows.


Ash said...

Ahh I wanna see La Bete so much it hurts...La Grande Lumley

chelsea said...

I'm with you Ash!

Sarah - when does it begin? I'm dying to see it!!

Sarah B. Roberts said...

First preview of La Bete is September 23rd.

Bob said...

I love the look of that woman in green seeing you snap the picture inside the theatre. Classic.